Your tires are one of, if not the most important part of your car. Without them, your car would be unable to move. It is important that your tires have enough hair in them. With fall here and winter on the way soon, it is now more important than ever to check on your tires. With the cold weather in Belleville, IL, the drop in the temperature can cause the tire to lose pressure. It is estimated that when it is cold out, your tires will lose around one PSI of pressure for every square inch of your tire. Done let your tires go flat from the weather. Here we will be discussing more about why your tires go flat from the weather and what you should do.
How the Weather Affects Your Tire Pressure
Your rubber tires are in danger from the cold temperature outside during these months in Belleville, IL. This is because whenever the temperature outside drops, the rubber contracts, which will create space between the rubber and the rim of the tire. Make sure to keep an eye on your tires during the winter and if they look damaged, have them looked at by local professionals.
Decreasing Air Pressure from Cold Weather

The science behind all the contracting comes from the cold temperature and the air molecules. Whenever the temperature outside drops, the air molecules will not move nearly as quickly as they usually do. When the air molecules do this inside of your tire, it will cause the air inside to not take up as much space, causing your tire to lose significant pressure. If you want to make sure that your tires do not contract as much, you need to use them as much as you can. Doing so will help make your tire pressure light to go away and will help re-expand your tire. It is still the best idea to make sure to top off your tires with extra air if possible, during this season. Be sure to not ignore your tires at this time of year as doing so can cause them to break and you will be forced to replace them.
If you are looking for a company that can assist you with any tire-related problems, repairs, or replacements during the fall or winter in Belleville, IL, give our team over at Rowan Tire and Auto Service a call today!